Wednesday, March 20

DPW Public Meeting: Herring Run Sewershed Improvements

SC #908 Herring Run Sewershed Improvements

Tue., Apr. 2, 2013
6:00 p.m.
Harford Senior Center
4920 Harford Road, Baltimore, MD (at Ailsa Avenue)

Parking lot accessible off of Ailsa Avenue

To RSVP, please call 410-396-8966 or email

Like most large cities in the nation, Baltimore City faces the challenge of dealing with an aging wastewater infrastructure.

Many of our pipes are between 80 and 100 years old, which are close to the end of the average service life.

In 2002, the DPW entered into a Consent Decree agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) to inspect, identify, and improve our entire water and sanitary sewer system. Since then, we have achieved countless milestones, but more remains to be done.

Phase Two of the City's Consent Decree construction projects began in the summer of 2012 and is one of the most comprehensive wastewater improvement endeavors in the City's history. One of these projects is scheduled in our area, and the DPW wants to ensure we are informed about the project details.

Free and convenient parking is available at the meetings, and all are welcome. All meeting locations are ADA-compliant. Persons planning to attend who need auxiliary aids, services, or accommodations should call Dena Rattner at 410-396-8966 or email at to confirm your accommodation at least 7 days in advance.

Impacted Communities (those highlighted are in the 4th district):

Beverly Hills
Clifton Park
Ednor Gardens-Lakeside
Harford-Echodale/Perring Parkway (Hamilton Hills)
Herring Run Park
Lake Montebello
Loch Raven
Morgan Park
Morgan State University
Mt. Pleasant Park
New Northwood
Original Northwood
Penn Lucy

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